Pauline O'Connor

Pauline O'Connor

Polly is the editor of PigPen.Page. She set up this website to write about her personal experiences with brain injuries, PKU and to document her forays into the world of writing.

Newsletter 8 - January

How a new perspective might help you in 2023. Another new PKU treatment(!), & helping with PKU research. Plus, 5 ways to wellbeing through kindness. (Jan 2023 newsletter)

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A monthly roundup of PKU, Brain Injury, & Mental Health articles; PLUS PKU recipes delivered directly into your inbox Subscribe to the PigPen newsletter.

Campaign update at NSPKU2022.

Liz Twist MP spoke to the conference in her role as Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for PKU. She began by extolling the difference which Sapropterin makes for those who respond, but she also acknowledged the need to work for those who do not respond.

Review: five Sphere flavours

Vitaflo Sphere have two new, and frankly delicious, flavours in their supplement range. I tried all five flavours in one day and took notes for you.

New book: Living with PKU

No one’s PKU is quite the same, yet we can support each other. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but this book contains what I know from forty years of Living With PKU

PKU recipe for breadmakers

A reliable recipe for making PKU bread in a breadmaker. I've used this recipe for years, and it consistently makes a soft, white loaf. Plus, how to avoid that hard ring of flour and using psyllium husks.

Everyday acts of kindness

We are all aware that it is good to be kind. New research has found that, as well as benefiting the person you are being kind to, offering an act of kindness has benefits for you too.

The dogs of change

Dog sitting has helped me realised how quickly we can adapt. Change may happen quickly or slowly, but we can adapt to either.

100 in June 2021

June was a busy month for the PKU family as we ran, cycled, walked, planked, push-upped our way towards International PKU day.

Dizziness after brain injury

Dizziness can be hidden behind other injuries at first and can even interfere with treatments. When you are finally up and moving around, dizziness can be very isolating.