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New book: Living with PKU

No one’s PKU is quite the same, yet we can support each other. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but this book contains what I know from forty years of Living With PKU
New book: Living with PKU

Living with PKU: A low protein life with Phenylketonuria is a new and valuable resource for adults and teens with Phenylketonuria (PKU), or for families new to the disorder..

Available now in e-book and paperback from Amazon, and you can read the first few chapters for free. Available with other retailers soon. Subscribe for publication updates.

Outstanding Reviews for this PKU book

Completely fabulous. Brilliantly written.’
Suzanne Ford, Metabolic Dietician & advisor to NSPKU.
Absolutely brilliant & factual…lots of very good advice.’
S.M., adult with PKU.
Skilfully compiledreadable for anyone new to PKU.’
C.H., new to PKU.

Clear explanations and practical advice on PKU

In clear and simple language, this book explains:
- What is PKU?
- How do high levels of protein affect us?
- Why is PKU treated by restricted diet?
- What other treatments are there?
- What are supplements? And why do they taste like that?

PKU book by an author with PKU

Pauline has lived with PKU for over forty years. In this honest account, she shares her experience and mistakes to help others navigating the difficult dietary treatment.
This book is packed with practical advice on:
- PKU and mental health
- Managing PKU clinics
- Travel & emigrating
- Women & PKU
- Healthy eating and exercise.

Available now: read for free

Get the e-book and paperback from Amazon, and you can read the first few chapters for free. Available with other retailers soon. Subscribe for publication updates.