Mental health

Looking after our mental health when living with brain injury or PKU

Blogging Anxiety

I have never said that the PKU diet is easy but I do try to avoid negative thinking. It is not easy to be positive about having an inherited metabolic disorder...I don't leap out of bed in the morning and shout “Hurray! I have PKU!”

ABI & Gardening

There is growing evidence which shows the benefits gardening has on our mental health. Five years ago, a doctor and scientist argued that gardening should be available on the NHS.

Pausing the anxiety treadmill.

If there ever was a time to be kind to yourself, this is it. Take a breath and realise that one mistake is not a failure. We are usually nicer to everyone else than we are to ourselves.

Brain Injury and exercise

The effects of exercise on those recovering from a brain injury can be helpful and encouraging for both body and mind.

Heatwaves & Acquired Brain Injury (ABI).

Some people with ABI will be fine, but for many temperature extremes can make it harder to mange the symptoms and effects of the injury. Headway UK reports that “A brain injury can sometimes cause problems with temperature regulation making it harder for survivors to control their body temperature.”

ABIL Conference March 2019 - Brain Injury and Mental Health

ABIL Conference March 2019 - Brain Injury and Mental Health The conference programme promised a varied group of speakers who presented to a packed house at Irwin Mitchell in Holborn, central London.

Pauline's brain injury: concussion, cavernoma, & vestibular migraines

After the diagnosis of concussion and post-concussion, I received more bad news. There had been a bleed in my brain, which led to horrible cycles of migraines causing severe dizziness, & yet more migraines.
The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member