100 in June 2021
Since the 28th was a Monday this year, the NSPKU celebrated one day early on the on Sunday the 27th with an exciting programme of events. The day kicked off with an energetic workout and finished with a good ol’ pub quiz in the evening.
- All of the events are available on the NSPKU YouTube channel:
100 your way for PKU
As mentioned before, NSPKU campaign aimed to get people active by setting a target of 100 in June. 100 miles, 100 km, 100 lengths of the pool... This was widely intepreted by the people to got to work!
- The very impressive Boyd managed 100 situps for PKU. Well done Boyd!
- Duncan Noble-Nesbitt, Jen Dewey, and Dani Bee all walked or ran 100 miles for PKU in June. Congratulations to you all!
- Clair has been doing squats and pushups to raise awareness and fund for NSPKU. Soheb managed 100 planks!
My apologies to those whom I have missed!
I’ve not been able to get active this month, so have been doing 100 Kind things for PKU. This has turned out to be a mix of volunteering, trying new things to reduce waste, and looking after myself too! You can find the list below or on the Twitter #100KindThingsForPKU.
How can you be kind today?
100 Kind Things for PKU
Tues 1 June
- Exercise! A lovely bike ride through the fields in bright sunshine.
- Afternoon tea in the sun to celebrate writing actual words on the new book, because charity begins at home.
Wed 2 June - Helped an older friend who was struggling with the joys & massive problems of social media.
- Volunteered proofing skills to assist with a charitable publication.
- Volunteered proofing skills and feedback for PKU research study.
- Completed a different research study for PKU - please join in if you haven’t already!
Thurs 3 June - Contacted local brain injury charity to volunteer time in future.
- Enjoyed and revelled in an afternoon of sunny banter with a friend without worrying about what might happen next. #BeKindToYourself too
Fri 4 June - Shared a laugh with a stranger over missing shop radio during #Lockdown.
- Offered to help neighbour with their gardening waste. (Hey, it’s the thought that counts!)
- Feedback on documents for another PKU research study.
Sat June 5 - Day out in London and schlepped around with my huge water bottle to avoid buying water for #PKU supplements. Trying to be kind to the planet.
- Ice cream for the brother on a hot day.
- Bought delicious chocolate coated cherries for the husband, & didn’t snaffle any as know I feel better when I stick to the #PKU diet so counts as being kind to me. That’s my reasoning anyway.
- Helped a lady who seemed to be choking. She was ok, just needed water.
Sunday 6 June
Umm, Does listening to the #EngvsNZ cricket match right to the bitter end count as an act of kindness?
Mon 7 June - Helped friend with another IT problem
- My usual 2hrs volunteering in a local shop.
- Found a use for old plastic pots in the garden, another thing kept out of recycling. #BeKindToThePlanet
- Awesome yoga session! #BeKindToYourself.
Tues 8 June was a long day watching the NICE meeting so did not have time to focus on #100KingThingsForPKU, nevertheless: - Out on the bike to enjoy a glorious summer evening. #BeKindToYourself
- Gave the bored nettles on the overgrown pathway something to do!

Wed 9 June
22. Tried out out local refill shop where you refill food containers with staples like dried fruit to save on packaging.
23. Found out I’m still in the running as a volunteer for another community committee. Best slow down or I’ll have no time left to work!
24. Spread the word about some #PKU research you can do right now, huge thanks to everyone who helped!
25. Gorgeous Evening enjoying the mystery rose which has just flowered in the new garden. #BeKindToYourself
Thur 10 June
26. Didn't mention today's cricket to any English fans
Fri 11 June
27. Out for a ride in the morning - #BeKindToYourself
28. Volunteered for proof-reading work.
29. Lovely chat with a friend to cheer us both up!
30. Still not mentioning the cricket! #ENGvsNZ
Sat 12 June
31. Met up with friends to get us all out of the house :)
32. Dinner was a salad entirely from the garden, huzzah #BeKindToYourself
33. Biting my tongue to avoid mentioning the cricket #ENGvsNZ
Sun 13 June
Too hot… too hot!
Mon 14 June
34. More discussions with local group about volunteering.
35. The usual volunteer spot in a local business
36. Spent time online cheering up folk who are having to self isolate in this fine weather.
Tue 15 June
37. Gorgeous bike ride round the bridle paths for exercise.
38. Finally put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, & made progress on the next book.
(Given anxiety over not doing either, have decided both of these count as #BeKindToYourself )
39. Spent time talking to new neighbour even though I really had to go!
40. Helped out friend with IT questions
Whelp! June is halfway through & I’m falling behind. Need to be more kind
Wed 16 June
41. Another catchup about volunteering, things taking longer as folks are having to isolate.
42. Another good stretch on writing and research for book no. 2 #AmWriting
43. Read up on 3D printers so I don’t have to keep pestering the other half with questions (trust me, he’d see this as a kindness!)
44. Took the evening off to sit in the garden. #BeKindToYourself
Running behind on #100KindThingsForPKU, wish I’d done planks!
Thurs 17 June
45. Managed not to beat myself up over falling down a YouTube hole while I was supposed to be writing! #AmNotWriting
46. A few song recommendations to help a friend out with their challenge. (Go @sohebsoheb!)
47. Met a Kiwi at the vaccine centre and neither of us mentioned the English weather?!
48. Helped out a friend who had anxiety over a forthcoming public speaking gig.
Fri 18 June
49. Registered with @GiveBloodNHS as blood donor for the first time in 25 years! (Had a bad reaction first time in another country which put me off.)
50. Booked my first blood donation appointment online. It isn’t for a while but I think that still counts as is a big step for me.
@GiveBloodNHS make it easy to book and thanks to @NSPKU
for the encouragement.

halfway through #100KindThingForPKU!
Friday 18 June cont.
51. Treated my friend and her daughter to lunch, it was so lovely to see them again!
52. Back to not mentioning the English weather at the Cricket.
Sat 19 June
53. Awesome day hosting friends who we hadn’t seen for a year. Joyous fun, teasing, and kindness all round!
54. Not sure if I have any followers who are Indian fans but best not mention the NZ cricket team, come on Black Caps!
Sun 20 June
55. Leftover bbq aubergine with melted cheese and tomato sauce on a homemade PKU burger bun. #BeKindToYourself
56. Gave someone a lift to avoid the rain, then
57. Gave myself the day off. It was lovely but definitely behind on this now!
Mon 21 June
58. My usual volunteering session.
59. Managed to wrangle a big table down a tight stairwell so the exhausted mum didn’t have to.
60. Upsold a customer from a card to a painting - all profits go to cancer research so win!
61. Ran round for a customer who had forgotten their mask and managed a long distance transaction.
62. Only danced when no one was watching, a true kindness for everyone.
Tue 22 June
First post #BrainInjury migraine for a long time. Managed to sort out the gas service men and then to bed. Little time for kindness except for:
63. A lovely evening walk in fresh air #BeKindToYourself
64. A chin wag with the neighbour to hear all about Dave’s excessive sharp sand problems. Ooooh #Gossip
Wed 23 June
65. Meeting to discuss volunteer spots with another local charity.
66. Supported two new local businesses on the high street.
67. Back to the refill shop to #BeKindToThePlanet.
68. Shuffled round the diary to help out with volunteer shifts.
69. Not mentioning the #NZvsIND match.Except to say a huge thank you to both India and @BLACKCAPS for such an amazing test match.
Thur 24 June
70. Helped out an older friend with annoying IT problem. Why is word count so hard to find!?
71. Met up with chair of local heath volunteer team to learn how I might help there.
73. Spent time with new neighbour who clearly needed a bit of a chat.
74. Actually stopped to pet a cat, this is a biggie for a dog person.
75. Agreed to do a favour for another neighbour while they are away.
76. Was apparently so nice to the delivery driver that he made a note to thank us in feedback!
77. Bought an ocean saver antibacterial pod to try out in the kitchen. Hoping it will mean less plastic round here!
78. Managed to reach the daily word target woohoo.
79. Listened to and cheered up a couple more friends who are struggling with the need to self isolate.
80. Big walk as the sun went down to listen to the birds settling in for the night. Lovely & relaxing #BeKindToYourself
Friday 25 June
81. Lovely bike ride out into the fields at last! #BeKindToYourself
82. Waved to the horse, I’m sure he appreciated it :-)
83. Wrote actual words on the next book (PKU this time!)
84. Nice walk & catch up with a neighbour.
85. Hurray, agreed to write another article for @NSPKU, I do enjoy coming up with those!
Sat 26 June
Got off to a poor start on the #100KindThingsForPKU as the alarm on our new car went off in the middle of the night. And we couldn’t turn it off. Standing in the street in your dressing gown helplessly clicking key fobs at 2am does not inspire kindness! However…
86. Round of apologies to all the neighbours in the morning, fortunately most hadn’t heard a thing.
87. Met up with friends for a day out of the house and a big walk in the countryside.
88. Weeded a bit of the neighbours front garden so their gorgeous cocker spaniel doesn’t drag grass burrs into the house.
89. Helped out a neighbour who had received an excessive delivery of builder materials.
Sun 27 June
90. Rescued Vege box delivery from @OddboxLDN They work with growers to prevent waste so we get a weekly box of restaurant/supermarket quality fruit & vege every Sunday morning. Importantly, you can specify three ‘don’t delivers’ to avoid high phe vegetables
91. Kicked off Sunday morning with @LouLamaris and her great workout. Thank you Louise, it was great to get moving #BeKindToYourself
Spent move of the day enjoying others kindly giving up their time for #PKU. Thank you to all involved in #IPKUDday
Mon 28 June
92. Undertook my usual local volunteering spot in town.
93. Helped someone find their way, I’m new to town so took a bit of effort!
94. Lovely yoga class to end the day #BeKindToYourself
Tue 29 June
95. Muddy walk on the local heath to start the morning. #BeKindToYourself
96. Got started on the article for @NSPKU, hopefully it is what they are after.
97. Proofed a bit more work for a friend.
98. Helped out a neighbour.
Wed 30 June
99. One of the big lessons has been that I’ve fallen back into checking social media a lot. So planning to take a bit of time offline to #BeKindToYourself
100. Last and certainly not least. Donated some of the (meagre) profits from my book sales to date to the @NSPKU.

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