Mental health

Looking after our mental health when living with brain injury or PKU

Starting the Conversation

We wanted a space where adults with PKU felt able to hold an open discussion about managing PKU, and to collect data about our concerns in real time.

Newsletter 8 - January

How a new perspective might help you in 2023. Another new PKU treatment(!), & helping with PKU research. Plus, 5 ways to wellbeing through kindness. (Jan 2023 newsletter)

Sign up for the newsletter

A monthly roundup of PKU, Brain Injury, & Mental Health articles; PLUS PKU recipes delivered directly into your inbox Subscribe to the PigPen newsletter.

Everyday acts of kindness

We are all aware that it is good to be kind. New research has found that, as well as benefiting the person you are being kind to, offering an act of kindness has benefits for you too.

The dogs of change

Dog sitting has helped me realised how quickly we can adapt. Change may happen quickly or slowly, but we can adapt to either.

100 in June 2021

June was a busy month for the PKU family as we ran, cycled, walked, planked, push-upped our way towards International PKU day.

100 for PKU

The campaign aims to get people active by setting a target to hit this month. Your target is 100. 100 km cycling or running, 100 minutes exercising, 100 push-ups, 100 lengths of the pool, 100 hula hoops-a-hooping... The possibilities are endless.

PKU awareness month 2021

PKU Awareness month has been difficult for me. My adherence to diet has not been great. It is odd to admit that I’m over 40 and still find myself sneaking food.

Fatigue after ABI: boom and bust

Fatigue caused by an illness or injury is known as pathological fatigue. This isn’t the same as simply being tired...Pathological fatigue is always there.

Change and neuroplasticity

Just as a brain injury survivor can find hope in neuroplasticity, so can someone rebuilding during and after the pandemic.
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