Kickstarting The Red Hat Stories

Kickstarting The Red Hat Stories
Cover design by Katherine Powell

I'm thrilled to share that the Kickstarter campaign for The Red Hat Stories has fully funded! The response has been overwhelming, and I'm grateful for the support.

The campaign is still open, with the guarantee that all rewards will now be met. If you are interested in supporting these stories, please join us.

This short story anthology is my first fiction book, and the choice to try a Kickstarter was strategic. My first book was traditionally published, and I self-published the second. Crowdfunding was another model to strengthen my knowledge of the publishing options. Also, as my first two books were non-fiction, I hope the campaign will help these stories to reach a wider audience.

Around 40% of Kickstarter campaigns reach their funding goal. I hoped to be one of them, but never dreamed it would succeed in less than 5 days. Thank you so much for all your support.

A key factor in the campaign's success has been the exceptional work of my friend Katherine Powell. As the creative force behind the book cover and marketing assets, she captured the essence of "The Red Hat Stories" in the cover design.

The campaign will run until May the 4th (Star Wars Day!). If you haven't already, check the Kickstarter page for "The Red Hat Stories." Meanwhile, I will be working hard on the all important finishing touches!

The Alliance of Independent Authors - Author Member